Clubs that strive for a culture of deep respect provide equal opportunity for all people to participate in all club activities. We know that club personnel are always changing, so clubs need to continue to check the needs of their community.
Equal access must never go out the door with a president, committee member(s), or other club leaders when they move on.
Physical disability
Club facilities are appropriate for all. Ensure that:
- Entrances, footpaths, lifts, ramps and corridor widths comply with Australian Standards
- Accessible bathrooms are available, functioning and clear of clutter
- There are ramps, handrails and tread strips for easy access.
- Relevant signs and communications are in place and clearly visible.
- There’s disability car space provision
- Drop off access
See Frequently Asked Questions: Access to Premises for more detail.
The club is welcoming to people of all cultural backgrounds:
- Public signage is clear and welcoming and where relevant, in different major languages spoken by club members/the community
- Committees invite people from various multicultural backgrounds to give feedback about specific needs for their community
- Committees listen to feedback and implement change
- Members from multicultural communities are valued equally and receive the same opportunities for roles in the club
- Committee provides cultural education opportunities for the whole club; this could be as simple as asking people to share information about their culture at club events.
Everyone has the same access to club facilities and resources, regardless of gender:
- Club recruitment processes are inclusive
- Your club advertising for all positions is inclusive
- Roles around the club are not restricted by gender (or tradition)
- Fees are applied and distributed equally across playing groups
- Grounds or playing facilities are shared equally
- Uniforms and equipment provided is of same quality
- Recognition of success is applied equally.
All people, young and old, have equal access to club resources:
- There’s an opportunity for both the voice of young and old to be heard
- People of all ages are considered equally for club roles
- There’s sufficient and safe seating
- There’s a change room outfitted with facilities for parents with babies and toddlers.
Fair Play
Everyone at your club ‘gets a go’:
- Coaches strive to give equal time on the ground for all players, following club guidelines for player rotations and equal time
- Teams are selected utilising the club team selection policy
- The club looks beyond ‘winning at all costs’, and promotes ‘a fair go for all’
- There’s adequate space and quiet for commentators
- Club facilities are appropriate for all and not restricted to some
- The club’s formal committee and decision making processes include opportunities to reflect honestly and constructively on the club’s progress in guaranteeing equal access
- The club has a thoughtful, clearly-documented and publicised grievance process for handling complaints about unfair treatment.