
The Team Manager

When you take on the role of a team manager, you become an example of how to live the clubs values.

The Supporter

A supporter gives a match colour, enthusiasm, excitement and atmosphere.

The Player

As a player, wearing your gear, means you agree to represent yourself and your team in the best possible way.

The Volunteer

When you take on the role of a volunteer, you are supporting your club and community.

The Committee Member

When you take on the role of a committee member, you will be helping shape and direct the culture of the club.

Framework: The Game Plan

The first step is when your club is ready to do the work. The leaders agree and accept that developing a culture of respect is worth pursuing. This starts by making a genuine commitment to know the real values of your club, to know what is and isn’t acceptable and to have a plan for what happens when people’s behaviour doesn’t match what is acceptable. Everyone needs to live and breathe the club’s values.
CR Journal Tarik Bayrakli

Tips to progress your sport club while in isolation

It is an unsettling time for sport clubs as we start to reimagine how our players will train and if they will play any competitive matches in 2020. It's also the perfect time to think about how our clubs might look when we start back up again.